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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.303
(Taken from the front cover of the Diplomacy rules.)
"Diplomacy" is a game of skill and cunning negotiations. Chance plays no part.
In "Diplomacy", each player guides the destinies of one European power through
the intricacies of international politics. By negotiating alliances with other
players and careful planning, each player seeks control of Europe. "Diplomacy"
tests your ability not only to plan a campaign, but also to outwit your fellow
players in diplomatic negotiations.
"Diplomacy" is a realistic game of strategy without dice, and nothing left to
luck alone. "Diplomacy" pits man against man in an exciting battle of wits.
Up to seven can play.
Of course, Diplomacy has gone a lot farther since the original game was
1.2. What is Avalon Hill?
The Avalon Hill Game Company is the distributor of Diplomacy and many other
excellent board games.
Contact Avalon Hill at:
4517 Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214 USA
or better yet, call toll free at:
1-800-999-3222 or
(301) 254-5300
I think you can get a nifty catalog for $1.
1.3. Where can I get the Diplomacy rules?
Diplomacy can be bought in your local hobby/games store or from Avalon Hill.
Prices from Avalon Hill are (USD):
Diplomacy Game $25.00
Mapboard $10.00
Rules $ 5.00
Basic Rules $ 2.00
Game Pieces $ 5.00
7 maps $ 3.00
Avalon Hill's address is above.
1.4. Information/Newsletters about Diplomacy
The General
Avalon Hill publishes the newsletter "The General". I don't know how good
it is. Can somebody give a brief summary/review of "The General"?
1.5. Books on Diplomacy
The Gamer's Guide to Diplomacy by Rod Walker
Available in some game store and directly from Avalon Hill
The Gamer's Guide to Diplomacy is, in the words of an old friend, "the
next best thing to actually playing." While I might not go that far, I
would say that any neophyte to Diplomacy with a little time and money
to spare should pick up a copy.
Physically speaking, the guide is about the size of a thin magazine. It
includes appx 35 pages of information ranging from historical (the who's
who of the ruling class in 1901) to neat little tricks to help you play
better to detailed suggestions for openings and alliances for each of the
powers. There is also a sample game and some information about the
hobby itself: the postal system, tournaments etc.
For my money, the most interesting part of the guide is the analysis of
the various powers. The author goes through, power by power, and
suggests how that power should best negotiate with each other power. He
then lists severl possible opening for that power and explains the strengths
and weaknesses of each opening, and how these openings relate to the
powers various neighbors (i.e. is it a pro-German or anti-German opening.)
The conclusion of the analysis of each power includes (IMHO) a less that
thorough analysis of the midgame and endgame play for the power in question.
The author's advice viz negotiations and and openings in strongly slanted
by his (unstated but apparent) strong belief in alliance play (i.e. the
belief that one should choose another power and stick with that power at
least through the middle of the game.
Oh, yes. I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I did not mention that
the Guide contains some very funny cartoons which, IMHO, make the Guide
all the more valuable.
2. Variants
2.1. Standard
2.2. Gunboat
Not a variant in itself -- can be matched with the standard game or any of
the other following variants. It just means all the other players remain
anonymous to you.
2.3. Youngstown
The Youngstown variant of diplomacy follows the same rules as standard
diplomacy with an expanded map. Three new powers are added: China, India
and Japan.
Note on the judge that the Indian player must use the letter "N" rather than
"I" when signing on since "I" is reserved for Italy.
Victory Conditions
There are a total of 72 supply centers on the board. A majority of
pieces therefore would be 37 centers for victory by a single country.
A draw may also be declared by consent of all players or no exchange of
supply centers for three Fall seasons.
For a postscript map, mail your local judge "get map.youngstown".
For more info about Youngstown, mail your local judge "get info.youngstown".
2.4. Chaos
The chaos variant is played by 34 players, each owning a single supply
center on the standard Diplomacy map. The game starts in Winter of
1900 at the adjustment phase. Each player starts out choosing which
type of unit they wish to build and progressing from there. When
building units, a unit may be built at any owned supply center.
Victory conditions are 18 supply centers.
For more info about Chaos, mail your local judge "get info.chaos".
2.5. Machiavelli
Really an indepedent game from Diplomacy. 7 players in a map of Italy.
Uses money, bribes, famines . . .
For more info about Machiavelli, mail your local judge "get info.machiavelli".
For the rules, mail your local judge "get rules.machiavelli".
For the map, mail your local judge "get map.machiavelli".
2.6. 1898
In the 1898 variant the game starts in winter of 1898 with each power
having one unit. Each country must capture its other home centers
before it can build in them.
The victory conditions remain 18 centers.
For more info about 1898, mail your local judge "get info.1898".
2.7. Loeb9
A nine player variant, with a slightly modified map. Norway and Spain are
The victory conditions remain 19 centers.
For more info about Loeb9, mail your local judge "get info.loeb9".
For a map, mail your local judge "get map.loeb9".
2.8. Britain
In the Great Britain variant each English province is a supply center
and England starts with six armies. Thus, England is the "strongest"
country, but can't do anything until another player agrees to convoy
one of his armies (or he is forced to debuild one of his units and
then builds a fleet after retaking the supply center).
The victory conditions are 19 centers.
2.9. 1914
The 1914 variant of Diplomacy is based on an article in The General.
(The General is published by the manufacturer of Diplomacy to give
you an idea of how good this variant must be!) This game is much
more realistic than regular Diplomacy, you even can get bombers
starting in Winter 1917.
2.10. Warp
A warp game is usually any game with very fast deadlines. Usually 24 hour
or 48 hour warp games are played.
2.11. Blind
2.12. Others
Mark Nelson <amt5man@ECUSUN.LEEDS.AC.UK> is the god of variants, and is
the best person to ask questions. There are variant banks around the
If you live in North American and you want to find out more about
diplomacy variants then you should write to:
Lee Kendter Jnr, 376A Willowbrook Drive, Jeffersonville, PA 19403, USA
Lee is North American Variant Bank Custodian and can answer your
questions + supply copy of rules/maps for cost. You can also order
a copy of the NAVB catalogue from him. This lists some 1200 or so
dip variants.
Mark can answer questions on many of these if you want to ask before
buying them (his own variant collection is about 600 strong). Many dip
variants are not particularly interesting or playable...
Mark requests that if you do ask him questions about a variant's rules,
you include the rules so he know exactly what you are talking about!
3. Internet/Email games
3.1. What is EP?
This is an electronic magazine devoted to Diplomacy. The main editor
is Eric Klien, (Eric_S_Klien@cup.portal.com). This 'zine is divided into
2 chapters, each covers certain games. Eric personally publishes chapter 2,
which is distributed through rec.games.* on Usenet, and through DIPL-L.
Eric also keeps a waiting list for players, and substitutes, for all sorts
of obscure variants!
The games from the two judges are published in Chapter 2, by
Nicholas Fitzpatrick (nick@sunburn.uwaterloo.ca). It is published about
once a fortnight, and is also distributed through Usenet, and DIPL-L.
3.2. EP play by Email games
If you want to play in a Electronic Protocol game, Email Eric Klien describing
what kind of game you want to play. Make sure that you send him:
1) Your name
2) Home phone number
3) Work phone number
4) Fax phone number
5) Home address
6) Country preference
7) List of Email addresses
Eric's Email address is Eric_S_Klien@cup.portal.com. He is always looking
for standbys! If you want to jump in a quick game, send him a letter.
Eric frequently posts EP stats describing current games opening, waiting
lists, etc.
3.3. What is an EP number?
Nick Fitzpatrick (nick@sunburn.uwaterloo.ca) publishes Chapter 2 of EP,
distributed through rec.games.diplomacy
DIPL-L (bit.listserv.dipl-l), DIPLOMACY-L (the one in oz) and
a private mailing list. It is devoted to electronically adjudicated
Diplomacy games. These games are supposed to be played
by the ep.house.rules (send the command get ep.house.rules to your
favourite judge, well at least the EFF and Washington ones).
Essentially, they deviate from the norm, by the following rules
1) Games must be moderated
2) Games must be noNMR (which is the default)
3) Games must be different site. (Exceptions granted for
foreign language games.)
Most moderated games, on all four judges, which follow these
rules, are part of EP.
Why be part of EP? This facilitates archiving, as well as
allowing for a procedure to formally appeal GM decisions (a process
that, while in existence, has never been necessary). It also
makes getting replacement players easier, as some of us, only,
or normally play, in EP games.
3.4. What is the Diplomacy Adjudicator ("Judge")?
The Diplomacy adjudicators are computer programs that moderate,
and assist in the moderation of Diplomacy games. All moderated
games on the judges are eligible for inclusion in Electronic Protocol.
The judge presently supports the following variants; Standard, Youngstown,
Loeb9, Chaos, 1898, Crowded, Machiavelli, Britain, Pure and Fleet-Rome.
Press and no-press gunboat versions of all these games are available.
To get information on how to play in a game, send "help" (no quotes) in
the body of a mail message to one of the judges below.
If you use the judge, please thank its author, Ken Lowe. Send a postcard
or a T-shirt (size: large medium to small large) to:
Ken Lowe
University of Washington JE-30
4545 15th Ave NE; Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98195
3.5. What judges are available?
Washington, USA (UW judge)
The primary judge is judge@u.washington.edu, it is kept by Ken Lowe
(jdr@u.washington.edu). In November 1992, Ken announced that he will
not support the starting of any more games. Thanks Ken for all the time
and effort you've put into the judge!!!
Massachusettes, USA (EFF judge)
In November 1992, after Ken's announcement the Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF) opened up a new judge to take away some of the traffic
from Washington's judge. The address is
and the operator is David Kovar (kovar@morrolan.eff.org)
In August 1992 a new judge was announced at the University of Western
Australia. This is another full fledged installation of Ken Lowe's
program. The address is
and the operator is David Bennett (ddt@mullet.gu.uwa.edu.au)
Durban, South Africa
A full fledged judge is running in Durban, South Africa. The
address is
The operator is Russel Vincent (vincent@cc.und.ac.za)
Any other judges I've missed???
3.6. Judge FAQ for beginners
Here is a quick Judge overview for beginners. One should get the help
file and support files to understand the Judge completely.
A. Observing a game
If you want to just watch what goes on in a certain game to get
the jist of things, this is a good idea. Pick a game, let's say
it's called guerre. Then you send the judge the following:
observe guerre [your password]
Obviously for a different game, you substitute a different name
and the password is of your choice. (Do not type the brackets.)
You will then receive all messages that were publicly broadcasted
in that game, as well as the processed moves.
B. Game Listings, Signing On, and Basic Orders
After you've registered, you can obtain a listing of all the games
in progress by sending the judge:
You will then get a reply which lists all these games being run on
that judge. Say you want to check out a game because it has openings,
or you want to see how the game has progressed. Using the same example:
list guerre
This lists the specific game you specify. In the listing, you probably
want to note the number of hours per move (look in the move row,
it's usually 72.00 or 48.00 -- i.e. 3 or 2 days/move.) There is also
information about the game variant and press rules. (See later.)
If the game is already in progress, and you want to take over an
abandoned power, lets say France in game guerre, then you send:
signon fguerre [password]
f is the first initial of France, guerre is the game. Replace these
with the countries and games you wish to specify.
For new games, you send:
signon ?thegame [password] nameofvariant
set preference FEGRAIT
The question mark is intentional, if the game is not of standard
variant, it must be specified. (e.g. Youngstown, Crowded Gunboat, ..)
set preference tells the judge which country you would prefer to
play in order from most desired to the least.
From then on, it's quite simple. The judge will tell you what units
need to be moved, and when the deadline is.
C. NMR and Press
If a game is listed as NMR, then that means when the deadline and
grace have expired, the turn will be processed regardless of the
status of any power's orders. Any power that had failed to submit
orders due to being abandoned/CD or otherwise, will have their orders
marked [no order processed] and the game continues. This can be quite
unfair at times as players can hit gold mines if a neighbour goes CD.
Thus, most games are noNMR. This also means that when a power goes
abandoned/CD, the game comes to a full stop until a replacement is
found. (Feel free to take over some abandoned power and help your
fellow Dippies go on with their game. :)
If you send the judge:
get press
You will get a file explaining all the press commands and how to
use them. Let me guess -- it's just too friggin long and nothing
makes sense so what's the use? Here's a simple summary of common ??
info tidbits:
Most games are white press, no fake broadcast.
This means, you can send press to anyone and they will be informed
of which power it's coming from. Specifically, the message they
receive will go something like this...
Message from lokendr@ecf.toronto.edu as France to Germany in game
[the message]
It tells you who its from (power played, and e-mail address), which
powers are receiving it and the game. At the end of
If the game has grey press, the-mail address and the power originating
the message is not shown.
If the game is no partial, that means any message you send must be
broadcast message (no private mail).
To send press, you give ONE of the following commands in an empty
letter to the judge, or at the end of orders. Everything after this
command line will be sent as press... *** Do not put any orders after
this press command (unless you really WANT someone else to see them.)
press [the following message goes to all players]
press to a [the message goes to Austria only]
press to eg [the message goes to England and Germany and both
players know it's being sent to _both_ of them]
press grey to f
[in games where it's allowed, adding grey after the
the word press, makes it anonymous]
broadcast [same as "press"]
D. Orders
Send the judge:
get syntax
For how to move units. It's much the same as the way you usually do it
(if you don't have the real game rules, you're expected to buy the
game.) So it should be pretty simple. The judge is pretty helpful
when you screw up with the syntax and province abbreviations so it's
quite a bit more lenient than real Diplomacy.
Unless you're merely listing games, to put in orders (movement and/or
press commands), you need to signon first. Similar to when you first
signed on: signon aguerre [password]
Replacing the power's initial, game name and password. Note that once
you are playing a power in the game, you don't need to specify the
variant anymore.
Read the confirmation that the judge sends back to you. If there were
problems with your orders, it will tell you and if you don't fix them,
then you will still be considered late.
E. Variants
The judge assumes you know how to play the Standard version of
Diplomacy. For variants 2 and onwards described below, you can
obtain a short description of the variant by sending the judge:
Variant names as listed below. Maps may be required: the standard
map, and variant maps are available (postscript) by anonymous FTP
to milton.u.washington.edu in /public/misc (I believe) and from
other FTP judge sites. Or you can get it directly from the judge --
check the help file for details. (send the judge the word help .)
1. Standard
The standard 7-player map of Europe.
2. Gunboat
Not a variant in itself -- can be matched with the standard
game or any of the other following variants. It just means
all the other players remain anonymous to you. (Here's the trick,
when you list the game from your e-mail address, your name will
appear on the listing but the others won't -- in case you forgot
which power you were playing.)
3. Youngstown
Game with 10 powers played on an extended map which includes
Asia. I is for Italy, N is for India.
4. Loeb9
Game played on an extended map with Spain and Norway.
Hence, it is a 9-player variant.
5. Chaos
34 player variant played on the standard map. Everybody begins
with once centre; different lettering scheme for power identifi-
cation (i.e. not FEARTIG only). Get info.chaos for details.
6. Britain
Standard map, except all 6 regions of England are supply centres,
but England starts with 6 armies.
7. 1898
Standard map, each player of seven starts with only one unit, and
must claim its other home centres before building on them.
8. Crowded
Standard map with extra supply centre in Ruhr. 4 extra players
occupy the normally empty supply centres.
9. Pure
7 players, 7 regions on the board all interconnected.
10. Fleet_Rome
Standard game except Italy starts with a fleet rather than army
in, you guessed it, Rome.
11. Machiavelli
Has its own rules. Assassination, famine, the works. Based on
the board game by Avalon Hill. get rules.machiavelli for more
specific details.
Thanks Kendrick Lo for the FAQ!
3.7. FTP sites
Certain material is available by anonymous FTP from various Diplomacy
archives around the world.
Washington, USA
There are a few files kept in the machine
in the public/misc sub-directory. Here is a list of them.
-rw-r--r-- 260039 Nov 18 12:43 dip.tar.Z Source code for judge
-rw-r--r-- 128294 Apr 16 1991 dipmap.ps Postscript map
-rw-r--r-- 134502 Apr 16 1991 loeb9.ps Loeb9 postscript map
-rw-r--r-- 23454 Sep 6 1991 machiavelli.ps Machiavelli ps map
-rw-rw-rw- 125576 Nov 17 09:13 ngloeb9.ps Loeb 9 ps map. No grey
-rw-rw-rw- 119364 Nov 17 09:14 ngmap.ps Standard ps map. No grey
-rw-r--r-- 124883 Nov 20 1991 youngstown.ps
Berlin, Germany
There is an ftp site in Berlin. The machine is
FTP.FU-berlin.DE (
This machine is a little slow, so it is a good idea to know exactly what
you want! Here is an index of what was available in Sept 1992 (courtesy
of Heiko Schlichting):
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Mai 14 01:29 classic/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Mai 14 01:30 dipl-l/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 23:06 general/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 10 06:50 hall-of-fame/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 23:08 loeb9/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 23:08 machiavelli/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 23:16 other-variants/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 22:53 source/
drwxr-sr-x 2 ftp 512 Jun 13 23:18 youngstown/
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2172 Apr 24 1991 map.ascii.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2501 Mai 22 1991 map.info.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 34076 Mai 22 1991 map.ps.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2291 Apr 7 1991 rules.classic.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 6789 Apr 24 1991 convoys.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 8557 Apr 24 1991 dipcon.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2513 Apr 24 1991 email-dip.intr.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 1919 Apr 24 1991 example.game.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 12176 Apr 24 1991 france.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 5662 Apr 24 1991 germany.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2741 Apr 24 1991 greek.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2034 Apr 24 1991 mediterranean.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 3100 Apr 24 1991 musical.dip.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2140 Apr 24 1991 stab-stab.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 4850 Apr 24 1991 stalemates.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 639 Apr 24 1991 top.ten.lies.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2951 Apr 24 1991 winning.dip.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 22767 Apr 24 1991 zine_list.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2176 Jun 13 23:06 changes.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 4211 Jun 13 23:06 deadline.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 1301 Jun 13 23:06 form.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 5504 Jun 13 23:06 index.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 4471 Jun 13 23:06 info.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 4364 Jun 13 23:06 master.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 3242 Jun 13 23:06 press.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2291 Jun 13 23:06 rules-changes.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 16010 Jun 13 23:06 rules.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 2750 Jun 13 23:06 syntax.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 10744 Aug 09 02:36 hall-of-fame-1.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 19809 Jun 10 06:52 hall-of-fame-2.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 25857 Aug 09 02:15 hall-of-fame-3.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 29563 Sep 03 22:29 hall-of-fame-4.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 1510 Jun 13 22:59 info.loeb9.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 35505 Mai 22 1991 loeb9.ps.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 1366 Jun 13 22:59 info.machiavelli.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 11253 Jun 13 22:51 machiavelli.ps.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 14174 Jun 13 22:59 rules.machiavelli.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 481 Jun 13 22:59 info.1898.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 459 Jun 13 22:59 info.britain.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 934 Jun 13 22:59 info.chaos.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 550 Jun 13 22:59 info.crowded.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 724 Jun 13 22:59 info.gunboat.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 450 Jun 13 22:59 info.pure.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 245789 Jun 13 22:51 diplomacy-adjudicator.tar.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 3145 Jun 13 23:19 info.youngstown.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 5842 Jun 13 23:19 map.young.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 596 Jun 13 23:19 report.young.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 52113 Jun 13 23:19 youngstown-DINA4-1PAGE.ps.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 52050 Jun 13 23:19 youngstown-DINA4.ps.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp 51922 Jun 13 23:19 youngstown.ps.Z
Marburg, Germany
The address is
sg1507.chemie.uni-marburg.de (
All material is in the pub/incoming/Ep-Chapter sub-directory. Presently
most the old copies of Electronic-Protocol are there. (in either files
called turnXXX or XXX, where XXX is the issue number). Issue
100 is missing! Most of these are UNIX compressed (a .Z extension).
There is also a file called biblio.Z which contains the EP index from
issue 1 to 10?.
Also in the archive is a copy of the hall of fame (called hallfame) and a
collection of old letters from DIPL-L called dipl9203.Z to dipl9210.Z
3.8. Mailing lists
DIPL-L is a listserv mailing list hosted at mitvma.mit.edu (mitvma.bitnet).
It is moderated by Nicholas Fitzpatrick (nick@sunburn.uwaterloo.ca). This
relatively low volume mailing list is designed to be a forum for discussion
of the game of Diplomacy, the judges, and for distribution of
Electronic Protocol. To add your name to the mailing list, send the command
subscribe dipl-l John Smith
where John Smith is your name to:
listserv@mitvma.mit.edu (listserv@mitvma.bitnet).
DIPL-L is gatewayed to Usenet as the newsgroup
bit.listserv.dipl-l If you don't recieve it, complain to your sys-admin.
A collection of old letters from DIPL-L is available from Marburg by FTP.
(see below). The files are dipl9203.Z, through dipl9210.Z
There is another Diplomacy list, hosted at gu.uwa.edu.au, for
discussion of Diplomacy at the Australian judge. To subscribe
subscribe diplomacy-l John Smith
where John Smith is your name to:
It is rather a quiet list!
4. Zines by snail mail
Can anyone give me a review of the zines "Diplomacy World",
"The Zien Register", and "The Zine Bank"? Any others?
5. Computer versions of Diplomacy
This section describes Diplomacy computer games for personal computers.
5.1. IBM version
Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill distributes an IBM version of Diplomacy. I don't know how
good it is.
To get it send $30.00 US/Canadian to Les Casey, 33 Nestrow Dr., Nepean,
Ontario, K2G 4M2, Canada. Judge is fantastic for GMing!
5.2. Macintosh version
Are there any out there?
5.3. Amiga version
Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill distributes an Amiga version of Diplomacy. I don't know how
good it is.
Diplomacy (Public Domain)
Diplomacy by Steve Douthat is public domain version on Fred Fish disk #582.
Roderick Lee comments:
It's version 2.0. Still a little buggy, and it occasionally messes up
an adjudication. Also, Italy is no longer green, but that can be
fixed with a paint program.
5.4. Commodore-64 version
Avalon Hill
Avalon Hill distributes an Commodore-64 version of Diplomacy. I don't know how
good it is.
5.5. UNIX/X windows version
Are there any out there?
6. Legal issues
This section describes some of the legal aspects with playing and distributing
the Diplomacy game.
6.1. Is it legal to get the rules by Email?
The rules are copyrighted by The Avalon Hill Game Company. Distribution
electronically of the rules is a violation of U.S. copyright laws.
6.2. Why is it legal to get the map in postscript?
Ken Lowe has received permission to distribute a postscript version of the
map from Avalon Hill.